February 13, 2020

La Playa Blanca en Cartagena

a little piece i wrote after my trip to cartagena, because i wanted to remember how i felt when i visited a lil lake full of bioluminecesent plankton, one of the coolest sights i've seen


I stood with my feet immersed into the sand amidst the warm night breeze on  Playa blanca in Cartagena. A few French men gathered around us as we were instructed to put our life jackets on. Walking towards the shore, I could barely make out the shape of the boat. Towel in hand, I waddled my way towards the back of the lancha. It started off slowly as we calmly bounced across the waves, eventually smoothening out until we were cruising along the surface.

The air was getting warmer and warmer as we approached Laguna encantada. I could not hear a single thing besides the voices on the lancha and I was afraid to submerge into the water. One by one people began to dive in. I stood up, leaped, grabbed my knees, and plunged straight down, kicking up a bright ring of light around me. The bioluminescence of the plankton revealed itself among the darkness.

I felt like I was living in a fantasy world, alluding to the many worlds I've dived in as a child as I immersed myself in virtual fantasy games.